Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's almost the end of 2011...reflections

So we will soon wrap up 2011, and put it behind us to welcome 2012.  So many things have happened and not happened this year.  I'm still in limbo with the divorce and restriction...who knows if it will finally be over in 2012.  This year was full of surprises...almost ended on a down note.  I am trying to keep a positive outlook because I cannot control many things.  I have to continuously remind myself of this.  I cannot control anything in relation to my soon to be ex husband.  He loves to dictate, always has, so I shouldn't be surprised when he is unwilling to compromise.  This year I had to work on my daughter's bday, and its been a busy week, so I can't even leave early to take her on a wonderful celebration play date.  I was bummed about that, but have no control.  I have no control on family court...we did not make it to trial on the docket once again.  Now I will enter the new year still married, and in limbo yet again.  It's frustrating but I can't change it.  I won't have my daughter this Christmas nor will I have her for New Years either. It makes me sad because I didn't have her new years last year.  I should have thought about the agreement before I agreed but I didn't.  I can't change it.  This new year I will learn to truly accept the things I cannot change.  I will just have to accept and let it go.